Minggu, 01 Juli 2012


it's last day in June, it was so long month for me and Thanks God it's so gorgeous month. i'm happy to be me and happier being me now. you're happy now? oh sounds good, cause i'm happier now like i told you before.

in June, God show me His better plan that made me felt so happy to walk on ahead. i know that when we failed God have better plan for us in beauty time. just wait and see then you'll know that His plan is the best for you. don't blame God when you feel so sad cause God is Omniscient. He know everything about you. 

God's plan made you not arround me now, but i'm still alive and happier. He know that i didn't do anything to reply your deeds, i just asked Him to make you feel what i feel cause you. Sorry, i didn't mean anything, i'll remember you that i've ever felt hurt more than you know.

oke June. i'll meet your twin after this, yes July is your twin and i won't talk anything before  you June, yes may april and friends. bye June thanks for anything you gave to me :)


you'll know. you'll understand. how it feels. someday. someone will treat you like how you treat me. Karma does exist. - @listenmymind


you’re the reason why i no longer feel sorrow and the reason why i look forward to tomorrow. you’re the reason why i dream at night and the reason why i don’t give up without a fight.

you’re the reason for the smile on my face and why i now see life’s beauty and Grace. you’re the reason why my tears no longer drip why i feel happiness inside of me that makes me wanna skip.

you’re the reason why i do that stupid happy dance and the reason why i gave love another chance. you’re the reason why i overcame my fears and the reason why i don’t cry those lonely tears.

YOU’RE THE REASON that's makes me happy
- mandy -

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